WoW TBC Classic: How hard are black temples, Hyjalgspeaks and Co.?

Wow Classic is a 2019 MMORPG computer game created and published by Snowstorm Enjoyment. Running alongside the major version of the video game, Standard recreates Wow in the state it remained in prior to the release of its first growth, The Burning Crusade. It was announced at BlizzCon 2017 and was released internationally August 26, 2019.

Wow: Burning Crusade was well focused on the RAID sector at the time and brought some of the most iconic battles instances of WoW story. Now, the players from TBC Classic may re-beat themselves through the PVE content (in many cases at least) in their non-weakened original form. The result (otherwise predicted by some players in advance): There are a whole series of guilds that are currently problems with the end bosses from the snake scrain and the fortress of storms (ie Lady Vashj and Kael thas) for the first time or To send regularly to the boards .

Already at that time, in the original TBC, the two fiesges were for many communities almost insurmountable progress blockers, they have tens of guilds on the conscience that broke apart during the frustrating wipe phases. Blizzard had not only had to weaken the bosses noticeably, but sometime also delete the attorney for the later RAID challenges, so that most of the groups could see the black temple and Co. at all from the inside.

Several times, we have now seen the question: if Vashj and Kael thas are already so hard, what expects us in the raids of the coming phases? May we hope for frustration in the Black Temple and Hyjal Sipple until Blizzard s sometime the Nerfs from then on the LiveServer to play?

Look forward to the black temple!

If you look at the level of difficulty of the raid instances of the burning crusade era, it does not increase constantly. On the contrary, we were surprised at the time, how easily we fell our first bosses in the Black Temple and in the Hyjal Summit, after we finally force Vashj and Kael thas. And that is also reflected in the World First Kill data of this time.

In the snake scrain and in the fortress of storms, the professional guilds each day and a half needed months, until they could fight through the first boss-kill to the World First Kill of Vashj and Kael thas. There were always some intermediate bosses that made neat problems. Al Ar and Solarian have even managed in the Top 10 of the WoW bosses, who were able to defy the longest of the World First Kill .

Hold through! The upcoming RAID instances of TBC Classic are among the most iconic the WOW history. Source: Blizzard at the Battle around the Hyjalgipfel then looked very different: The first four bosses fell within four days. Only for Archimonde Niilum and Co. then needed a little while, because here a dead can already trigger a crushing chain reaction. A similar picture was in the Black Temple: The first five bosses went to the ground within a day. The reliquary of the souls was the only true progress blocker. As soon as Nihilum had mastered this challenge, all other encounters fell in the daytime.

When Blizzard later simplified the Attunements, this impression confirmed: Many guilds who could never conquer Vashj and Kael thas collected some success experiences in the Black Temple and at the Battle of the Hyal Summit. This will certainly go to guild from TBC Classic, who are currently struggling. But you should also last for another reason: The two RAID instances from TBC Classic Phase 3 are definitely worth the visit! The black temple is similar to nine bosses and the many areas similar to atmospheric, epic and varied as Naxxramas. And who loved Warcraft 3, the setting of the Battle of the Hyjal Summit also will love (even if the add-waves can nerve nerves, a protective paladin packs in any case!).

And as soon as the Sun s sunny plateau is concerned ... There, there were in the non-weakened variant actually some bosses, which were just violent. Players from that time should now immediately think of M uru, who fell just four weeks after the World First Kill over the previous boss. But even here, at least the first adversaries have been well feasible from that time. That will be the more the case today.

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