Wow: Season of the championship starts soon
Blizzard works with high pressure to create classic nostalgia content for World of Warcraft, which could appeal to almost every player types in any way. We have the era realms of WoW Classic, which are held forever in Phase 6 and are as exciting as a cold coffee from the previous day.
Then, of course, there is still Burning Crusade Classic, for which in the foreseeable future phase 3 should appear with the black temple and the fight for the Hyjalgipfel. A Wrath of the Rich King Classic is as safe without the official announcement as the dwarf in the tavern. And from the 17th of November, interested parties will be in the first season of the championship, which will whip us again in the coming year through all the vanilla content, including numerous changes included.
Player bond through seasons
To start the seasons starting season, the headline has already spoiled it, go in this article. Wow (buy now €14.99), once pioneer for an entire genre, thus now trudges in the footsteps of other online games, which have shown in recent years how to use comparatively little effort players over a very long period of time Can bind. We think of success titles like Fortnite or the seasons of Diablo 3. Fortnite has proven for years how to successfully bind players with seasons over years. Source: Epic Games Instead of completely new content, the fans are already presented to familiar challenges that were easily adapted and provides them with a foreseeable end time to ensure some urgency. You do not want to miss anything. It also results from the starting point for the next season. Daily greets the marmot!
in 10 months to Panoramas
But how exactly the first season of the championship for WoW Classic will run at all. Well, we expect us in principle the six phases we already know from WoW Classic, just with some adjustments and a much faster release pace. Concretely, the Blizzard developers want to bring a new phase about every two months, so we are back in Panoramas in just under ten months and sucked after a year of Nostalgia Drops 2.0.
For player without 24/7 leisure pass to sprint in the direction of Phase 6 not suspended after the first meters, the developers make important adjustments. At the very beginning: About quests you will receive 40 percent more experience in the season of the championship. And for dungeon and elite quests even more bonus XP. Anyone who already found the pimped Level phase until stage 60 in Burning Crusade Classic Float should buckle. The steps are just about the ears! In about ten months we should enter Panoramas championship in the season and challenge Keythread. Source: Blizzard
None power the boosters
As efficiently the quest in the season of the championship is, so little fun will have the dungeon boosters from the WoW-Classic era with their magicians. Shortly to the classification: In WoW Classic many players have sometimes passed to boost new twinks by highly staging magicians. Simply park the budding zeroth hero at the entrance of a dungeon and make the magician the work. He then pulls as many opponents as possible, bombs this path and the dungeon can be reset. New round, even more experience. In no time, players could draw several characters at level 60. Many magicians have been stupidly and stupidly deserved through their boosting service and the sloping lot.
In the season of the championship Blizzard wants to stop this type of level and gold farms. The goal is clear: the characters are to be levels in the open world and visit the different level dungeons with seniority. In addition, magicians should not be so easy to farm solo in certain dungeons.
Measure No. 1: Killed monsters bring in dungeons as good as no more experience points as soon as a high level character is present. Measure No. 2: Opponents in Maraud on and Rathole now have protective effects from root and slowdown effects, which will be active after some time. Measure No. 3: The zombie trolls in ZuluFarrah are now noticeably rare valuable prey. The Loot was distributed to the other opponents of the dungeon, which can not be efficiently farmed.
Speaking of unwanted Farm Methods: Another problem with WoW Classic were to empty the numerous rogue bots that made nothing all day as the pockets of the dwarfs from BlackRock Depths. The big selling point of this Gold farm strategy: The pockets of Beaten automatically fill up again after some time on, so the bot users will have to reset the instance at any time. The latter was worth gold again after Blizzard had introduced for WoW Classic a dungeon limit to — we have to laugh briefly — bots to complicate the gold farms in dungeons. Maraud on belonged in WoW Classic the most popular dungeons of Twinks who boosted, and of magicians who wanted to earn a lot of gold. Source: This Phase the story in the season the championship is not repeated, the developers are considering something a thief rebuff namely. This always comes into play when a rogue in BlackRock Depths performs about ten times in succession pocketing. The new rebuff then provides for 30 minutes to ensure that all dwarves hide her still present possessions, so the thieves can steal only a gray item that just a piece of copper is worth.
Through the virtual demise can remove the rebuff the way. But then you have to with just under three minutes running time back to the dungeon entrance live. Get a cycle of claws, rebuff, dying, running back, Resurrect takes about five minutes and takes on average about 20 pieces of silver. Thats not exactly the stuff of which dreams are made of gold.
hardcore mode light
As part of the Classic era, its own hardcore community developed around different streamers around. The challenge of this game style: in WoW Classic bring a character to level 60 without even depart this life only once. Once the spirit healers visit is pending, the character will be deleted. Sounds hard and provides very reason for an entirely new, ultra exciting feeling — especially if you have a quest again Marlon camp leads to a time. Aaaaugubugbugrguburgle!
This trend has also observed Blizzard and implements an appropriate option in the season of the championship. To wear speak to the Guardians of the High Elves in Iron forge and Under city who want to find those who are willing soul of iron. In the dialog you can then confirm that you want to follow this iron way, what you bring an appropriate buff and a special emote.
Really hardcore is the new Hardcore mode but not for the season championship. Once a character dies with the iron buff, though his iron soul falls out of it. But he may revive normal. In the case it is only freed from said buff and branded with the Rebuff Stained soul, all values decreased by 1 percent (non-stackable with other death). In the above-mentioned Guardian NPCs you can then even leave you free from the burden and character to continue as normal. Lame! He who dies with hardcore Buff loses his iron soul and a stigma to captures. Source: Phase Not lame: Some hardcore players want to level up not only without spiritual healers visit at level 60, but also Ragnarok in Molten Core conquer. A stupid pull, even not run out of the fire, once pulled the wrong moment aggro and the character will be deleted. Thats hardcore! Because:
Molten Core 2.0
With the greatest adaptations of the season the championship we expect in the raid area. Generally speaking, that the powerful World buffs the Classic era show raid no effect, also her opponents can now with so many weakening effects as possible to a key (instead of 16). That should especially warlocks and shadow priests, but also welcome all other specializations that would have looked in Classic only too happy rebuffs on their victims, it due to the restriction for the benefit of Raid-DPS but were not allowed.
However, the BLIZZARD developers want to change the BLIZZARD developers, but what is likely to lead to the old problems due to the significantly longer struggles. All RAID bosses of the first phase have about twice as many lifestyles as in the original WoW Classic. Since all characters also cause half damage due to lack of world buffs, the battles under the stroke take almost four times so long. In the season of the championship, the bosses have received new mechanics from the molten core and a much larger life station. Imagine with significantly longer and difficult fighting. Source: Blizzard In addition, Blizzard has noticeably expanded the mechanics of the bosses. Luciano and walking are now accompanied by twice as many servants. At Gary, new Magma kin adds are repeatedly diving, which stops a player and then explode (the explosion throws back near players). The normal adds of Gary can no longer be banned as soon as Gary has 50 percent of its life points.
Baron Gordon sights with his You are the bomb! — Attack now three instead of a player. Any explosion and inferno leave (small and large) fire surfaces on the ground, so that your Gordon has to pull again and again. This mutates Gordon for perhaps the toughest boss in the molten core.
When Sarah teleports itself, the boss leaves a reflection of itself, which constantly acts arcane explosion.
The adds of Goleman are now constantly braced, thus causing increased damage and beat faster. The earthquake shakes the entire fight over the floor. Your healers must be on Zack.
The Sulfuronherold now shares the health supply with all its servants. Servants and boss can also be inspired each other when they are too close to each other, the inspiratory buff was reinforced. All servants and the boss must therefore be filled with sufficient distance from each other. The fight against Onyx was made harder. Source: Phase The elite flame guards of Majordomo now own a fireball salvo. After two dead servants, the priests are immune to control effects. Everything no problem, this fight is still pretty easy. And Ragnarok dives in any case as soon as he owns 50 percent life points. Another sons phase comes three minutes after the end of the first. In addition, after this first phase, the entire fight over sons of random positions that intervene in the fight.
Onyx also gets an upgrade: if you pull the dragon name, two black regards land around you to take care of you. And when Onyx is in the air, she regularly affects her fireball on random player, which now has a much greater range and disoriented. Double Lies, if all players try to miss the breath...
Dresses make heroes
In fact, the RAIDERS on the beta servers already showed that especially the new molten core is not a sugar pocket. However, the increased level of difficulty could be diluted through further adjustments of the developers. In Phase 1, you have access to BIG strong items that were not yet available in Wow Classic. Thus, for example, all lot from dusk fracture is available, and thus the associated recipes, class trinkets and book bands.
Furthermore, you can earn over a long quest series the animal-0,5 class sets, which for many a class (rogue!) Are better than drops from the molten core. So that you can conclude the order chain at all, you have the warehouse of the Shadow Hammer in Splits available to summon Elementary Templars and Dukes. All other Splits activities in general and Scenarios Castle in particular, which are associated with AHNIraq, will only be available at a later phase. The Dungeon Set 2 sometimes even stabs bag pieces from the Pechschwingenhort. Source: Phase Also available from the start of the start are the class quests for stage 50 characters. In Dungeon, the loot adapted from Phase 5 is considered, and apart from a few exceptions (leggings of the Titans!) The set-up master offers and agent data from state patch 1.12 apply. If we are still packing the fact that the honor system and all battlefields are available to the launch (and thus the corresponding call and rank items), you can equip your characters properly well without even putting a foot into a raid instance. And yes, even the miserable grind for the rank 14 weapons should be faster with a view to the shorter runtime of the phases.
Small, but fine adjustments
We still have some adjustments for the season of the championship. Anyone who liked the original antenatal with the numerous NPC guards, who should now come to his expense. Also adapted was access to valuable raw materials. For example, you can get black lotus with a little luck over high-stage herbs, much like the devil lotus in TBC. Also, elementary fire, elementary earth and elemental water should have increased drop chances. In general, there should be more herbal and ore deposits in the open world. Various call dealers in Zeroth offer you in the season of the championship your best goods already in phase 1. Source: PC Games MORE Blizzard continues to reduce the cost of learning the riding skills as well as for the stage-40 mount. The warrior gem diamond vial will be toned noticeably. And the Gordon TRIBUTE box made of dark fracture north can no longer be looted by players who were not in the fight as King Gordon blessed the time. Last but not least, you can use assembly stones to summon group members. Headmaster are happy.
Our first conclusion to the SDM
So much fun we had in WoW Classic too, so little makes us the idea of playing this era again so early. The season of the championship comes far too early in our view. In addition, Blizzard is just too little changing from our point of view. A huge construction site remains mainly the class balancing. Due to the significantly longer struggles, all the Meme Specs with MANA problems now have even lowed authorization. At the same time, warriors and rogues are likely to dominate any DPS statistics without World Buff scaling. Boring!
We would have found it much more exciting to fight in addition to retaliation paladins, elementary shamans and equilibrium druids, which can actually keep up with smaller adjustments. With paladins and shamans for Horde and Alliance. And with one or the other completely new challenge for the endgame. With such a package we could not have said no.
What about Wrath of the Rich King Classic?
Blizzard will not miss Wrath of the Rich King Classic with the Licking at the forefront. Source: Blizzard for Wrath of the Rich King Classic, there is no official announcement. But we are very sure that Blizzard will submit exactly this announcement in the coming months. Because they always stressed: If Classic is a success and the people of Bock have more, they are open for everything. And yes: Classic and TBC Classic are a success, and Would was the WOW extension with most paying customers (12+ million subscribers).
Blizzard will not miss this draft horse with the Licking at the forefront. Especially since you even fulfill the wishes of the Classic community that were much less frequently demanded — such as era realms for Classic enthusiasts or just the season of the championship, for all seasonal short-time workers.
What about: Are you looking forward to the first season of the championship for WoW Classic? If so, what are your goals? Track us in the comments!
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