New video compares Spider-Man at Marvel's Avengers with Spider

During the last days, Marvel Very of the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 fans have finally had the opportunity to play as Spider-Man. While the title of Crystal Dynamics is quite different from the Insomniac Spider-Man from Marvel, many fans can not avoid comparing both games. On YouTube, Elanalistadebits uploaded a 10-minute video that shows the two games side by side. The video compares the graphics and how the two developers handled a series of other details. It is interesting to see how games accumulate, and it's worth seeing it for Spider fanatics!

The video can be found embedded below.

As some responses to the video point out, both games do a very good job rendering to Spider! They offer different versions of the web-Slinger, but both versions of the hero look great in their own way. That said, the animations in the Insomniac game make a better job when replicating the skills of the hero. The video shows even the smallest details, such as how the networks are seen when they are scattered against a wall in both games, and highlights the fact that Spider networks do not really connect to anything in Marvel. The comparisons are quite interesting to see!

Of course, it is a little unfair to compare the animations of a character in a solo game with the same character as part of a cast in another game completely. At the end of the day, most of Marvel fans probably did not expect Crystal Dynamics to overcome what Insomniac did in Spider-Man from Marvel. Hopefully, the game fans have been able to get an experience that was worth waiting for and that proves to be nice enough by itself, regardless of how it is compared with that other game of Spider-Man!

Megadoses de Marvel is currently available at PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Google Stadia and PC. You can check all our previous game coverage here.

Spider-man Mechanics Comparison | Marvel's Avengers Game And Spiderman 2018 Game

Have you seen Spider-Man in Marvel ? Are you satisfied with the appearance and controls of the wall crawler? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter in @marcdachamp to talk about everything related to games!
